# Install this plugin
    npm install @pinelab/vendure-plugin-anonymized-order

Vendure Anonymized Order

This plugin enables the retrieval of an anonymized customer order. By default, the anonymizedOrder query omits the fields customer, billingAddress, and shippingAddress from the order details. However, users have the flexibility to further customize this process by adding a callback, allowing the removal of additional fields as needed.

Getting started

Add the plugin to your config:

import { AnonymizedOrderPlugin } from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-anonymized-order';
plugins: [AnonymizedOrderPlugin.init({})];

Displaying placed order without requiring the customer to log in

The anonymizedOrder query can be used to display a customers' placed order permanently, instead of for a limited time only, like the built-in orderByCode query. This can be used to show a placed order via a link in email for example.

In the order confirmation email, you could have a link like https://my-storefront.io/order/GX83VCD73?emailAddress=the-customer@email.com. On your storefront, you'd then use the following query to display the order:

    anonymizedOrder(orderCode: "GX83VCD73", emailAddress: "the-customer@email.com") {
      lines {

This will then return the order without shippingAddress, billingAddress and customer fields.

Customizing what data is removed

You can supply your own strategy for anonymizing a given order. In that case, the plugin will not remove any data from the order for you.

The example below will only remove the customer, but still expose shipping and billing address:

import { AnonymizedOrderPlugin } from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-anonymized-order';
plugins: [
    anonymizeOrderFn: (order) => {
      order.customer = {};

You should be cautious about what to return, because of the relational nature of GraphQL. For example, exposing the order.customer, will also allow the client to query order.customer.orders, thus exposing all orders of that customer.